Proof of Belief (Fourth pillar of belief)

>> Sunday, October 19, 2008

This is the last post on proof of belief. I hope you all enjoyed and learned from this series. And now know what was Imam Ghazzali's real aqeedah and make your own judgment on it. Also please be sure to read my previous post because it has been corrected. Thank you!

In The Words of Imam Ghazzali

Fourth pillar. It is to believe in the things accepted on authority and it is based on ten things. It is to believe in the truth of Resurrection, questions by Munkar and Nakir, punishment of grave, the Balance, the Bridge, Paradise, Hell, the true Imam, excellence of the companions in accordance with chronological order and qualifications of being an Imam.

To believe the Hadis of the Prophet involving ten basic Principles.
(1) First basic principle. It is to believe in the Resurrection of the dead and the Day of judgment as in the traditions. It is a settled fact like the beginning of our creation. God said: People say: Who shall give life to hones when they are rotten? Say, He shall give life to them who gave them life at first (36: 73). The beginning of creation is the proof of its resurrection. God said: Your creation and your resurrection are like a single soul (31 : 27). Resurrection
is the second stage of men and is possible like the first stage of creation.
(2) Second basic principle. It is the question of Munkar and Nakir which has been mentioned in traditions and therefore to believe it is compulsory. The second life will be in such a place where he will be questioned. This is possible naturally, as the stillness of the dead man's corpse or its failure to hear the questions put to it will refute it, because a sleeping man is openly still and dead-like but his soul feels pain and pleasure at that time in dream. Its effect can be seen when he wakes up from sleep. The Prophet used to hear the words of Gabriel and see him but the man surrounding him did not hear his words or see him. As God
did not give them such power of sight and hearing, they did not see and hear.
(3) Third basic principle. It is to believe in the punishment of the grave as it has come in Shariat. God said: They will be exposed to Me morning and evening and on the Resurrection Day. The supporters of Pharaoh will be given severe punishment (40 : 49). This is possible and to believe it is compulsory. Animals have got
special organs to feel pains and pleasure even though they are eaten by ferocious animals.
(4) Fourth basic principle. It is to believe that the Balance is true. God said: I will set up just balance on the Judgment Day (21: 48). God said: Those whose balances will be heavy will get salvation, and those whose balance will be light will be losers (7 : 7).
(5) Fifth basic principle. It is to believe in the Bridge which is spread on the back of Hell, thinner than a hair and sharper than the edge of a sword. God said: Guide them to the bridge of Hell and tell them to wait there, as they will be questioned (27 : 23). It is possible, because He who makes the birds fly in the horizon can take the people to travel on the Bridge.
(6) Sixth basic principle. It is the belief that Paradise and Hell have been created by God. God said: Vie in haste for pardon to your Lord and a Paradise, vast as the heavens and the earth, is prepared for those who fear God- 3 : 127. This proves that Paradise and Hell are created.
(7) Seventh basic principle. It is to believe that the rightful Imams after the Prophet are Hazrat Abu Bakr, then Umar, then Osman, and then Ali and that the Prophet's attention was not upon any particular Imam. As to the struggle which took place between Muawiah and Ali, it was the result of differences of opinion to discover truth by Ijtehad. Hazrat Muawiah did not do it for leadership. Hazrat Ali considered that the mode of punishment of the murderers of Osman was to be belated as they got relations in the army. Hazrat Muawiah considered that their arrest was better as their influence might help further bloodshed.
(8) Eighth basic principle.. It is to believe the excellence of the companions in accordance with their chronological order in which they succeeded the Prophet and the real excellence is in the sight of God and that it did not come to anybody except to the Holy Prophet. Several verses to that effect in praise of the companions were revealed and there are a number of traditions
(9) Ninth basic principle. It is to believe that an Imam, in addition to his qualifications of his being a Muslim, mature and intelligent must have five other qualities (1) he must be a male, (2) he must be a God-fearing man, (3) he must be learned, (4) he must be competent, (5) he must belong to the tribe of Quraish as the prophet said: The leaders are from the Quraish. When these qualities are found in a man, he is fit to become an Imam or ruler provided majority of the people swear allegiance to him. Those who oppose the majority of the people are rebels and it is incumbent to bring them under control.
(10) Tenth basic principle. It is that if a man who is invested with the power of rule is found lacking in God-fear and learning and if there is fear of disturbance and trouble in case of his removal, then his rule will stand, because if he is removed, two conditions will arise. (1) Another man will be reinstated in his place or the post will remain vacant. In the first case, the harms which will be caused to the Muslims in general will be greater than the harms of one who has got no God-fear and learning in him. The qualities of leadership are for the greater good of the people.
These four pillars involving forty basic principles are the articles of belief. He who believes in these things follows Hale Suntan or the people of the ways of the prophet.